So this is what the final lap feels like?
I’ve heard so many people say the year feels short, and I was tempted to agree. But then I remember how it started on a high note, paused, stumbled into some lows, soared back up, and eventually dipped into depths again.
This year wasn’t short—it was a lot—a lot of seasons, a lot of firsts, and a lot of failed resolutions. Still, there’s a silver lining. Who knows? Maybe the 365th day will crown the journey.
2024 began in really high spirits for me, I even began by reading this book called Atomic Habits, and I resolved to practice everything I learnt from that book, but seeing how the year went, I probably didn’t.
Still, in keeping with tradition, let’s take a look at the year from the multiple facets of my life—just like we did for 2022 and 2023.
I stepped away from traditional 9-5 work this year after resigning from my primary role last year to focus on building a self-employed career (we’ll see how that went in the next chapter).
I did maintain a flexible arrangement with one company, working more as a contractor than an employee. They helped to keep me from being broke until our relationship naturally concluded.
This minimal commitment proved beneficial, giving me the freedom to focus on building my ventures and pursuing entrepreneurial endeavours.
Later in the year, around the third quarter, my parents—well, mainly my dad since my mom is more comfortable with risks—started questioning where I was headed with life. Like most African parents, they see a steady job as the only path to a good life.
This gentle pressure motivated me to start job hunting. Despite being an experienced professional, it took months of searching and countless applications to find anything really good. Also, I was really picky at the beginning, for good reason.
Finally, after interviewing with multiple companies, I got an offer I liked in late November. It’s a really great opportunity—I just hope I can make the most of it.
Goals for Work
I just want to be an excellent team player. That’s it! There’d be too many sacrifices I’ll have to make, but it’s for the best. I also didn’t think I’d return to the 9-5 so quickly, but I’m here now. I might as well do it really well.
This year I discovered I’m a chronic builder—I just haven’t figured out how to monetize this skill yet. Perhaps it’s because I undervalue my abilities or lack the confidence to charge appropriately for the products I create.
2024 taught me that I can truly succeed at the things I dedicate my time to, as long as the path I wish to walk is unique to my strengths and not dubbed off another person’s.
At the start of the year, one of my entrepreneurial goals was to earn income outside of traditional employment. I expected this would come from my 2022 project, Revaise, but life had other plans.
I launched two companies this year—one solo and one with a co-founder. The first was Cloud of Worship, while I’ll keep the second unnamed to preserve my co-founder’s anonymity.
The second venture brought in some welcome revenue, which was incredibly satisfying. While the first hasn’t generated cash yet for me, it has paid me in some social currency. Perhaps next year will bring financial returns, but I’ll be patient and trust God’s timing.
Goals for Entrepreneurship
Despite having a full-time job now, I aim to build passive income streams, and I especially want Cloud of Worship to generate its first revenue. This will require growing CoW at least tenfold from where it is now.
I’m also seeking entrepreneur mentors to learn from. I already have access to potential mentorship opportunities—I just need to take the initiative and show up.
Creative Writing
In 2024, I wrote six articles and started countless drafts that never saw the light of day. One of these articles was a technical interview piece that successfully drove traffic to my personal site.
While I enjoy creating technical resources for people starting out in my profession, I also want to build social currency to enhance my personal brand, particularly for public speaking opportunities, which I’ll discuss in the next three chapters.
As an amateur writer, the biggest reason I never get as much content out is because I feel like I have to do more than the bare minimum.
Goals for Creative Writing
I will write and complete a new article every single week about my experience that week even if it is just a hundred words. I will also lean into AI to help refine my work so I don’t worry too much about tarnishing my perceived literal proficiency.
While I didn’t meet my reading goals this year, I’ve learned to be gentle with myself given everything else on my plate. I completed four books (5+ if you count the Bible).
These four books mark my personal best for annual reading, and I might reach five by year’s end as I’m currently working through The Problem of Pain.
My completed reads were Atomic Habits, The Great Divorce, To Sell is Human, and Surprised by Joy. I deliberately chose three C.S. Lewis books because I needed to learn how that man thought—still do.
I also ventured into fiction this year—an experience that left me scarred. That’s all I’ll say about that publicly.
Goals for Reading
No goals for reading in 2025, to be honest, I’ll just continue from where I stopped last year. I bought a truckload of books that I never got around to reading. And if I get to beat my 2025 record, then lucky me!
Personal Development
When you look back at life and reflect on the successive steps that led you here, you understand just how crucial personal development is in shaping your path and outlook on life in general.
As far as developing myself goes, I attended the Young Talents Program at Lagos Business School in mid-2024. Even now, I’m amazed they selected me.
Though I know I’ve been making progress in my own little way, I still wonder what made them see me as a suitable candidate. It was such a significant win for me at that time—I really really needed it to offset the setbacks I’d been facing.
In 2024, I picked up my guitar again, and now I can play all open chords and I struggle less with barre chords.
I didn’t visit the gym at all in 2024, and I neglected diet and exercise until late in the year when I finally realized how crucial they were for me to keep running this race.
On a final note, I did something completely out of character—something I’ve never shared with anyone, not even my family. If you guess what it is, you’ll receive a gift from me. [You can reply to this email to guess correctly]
Goals for Personal Development
I intend to learn how to play scales on the guitar in 2025 and also take dieting and body exercise a lot more seriously.
Public Speaking
This is a new section, it wasn’t here in 2023 or 2022, but for the kind of person I envision myself being, I think it’s really necessary that I make this a priority.
Since 2022, I’ve been invited every year to speak to teenagers at a camp meeting, but this year was different—the invitation didn’t come. It hurt a little, as I had genuinely looked forward to this opportunity every year, with no strings attached.
In May, however, the College of Management and Social Sciences at Covenant University invited me to speak to their students during a symposium. I shared the stage with several accomplished speakers.
I also concluded speaking engagements for the year in November at the True Witness Conference, where I spoke along with a lady I had earlier stalked on Instagram, lol.
The conference just had a fantastic lineup of speakers, many people imagined I was going there to sing, which was wild to me.
Although it’s not traditional public speaking, I was quite active on LinkedIn this year, sharing natural and genuine experiences. I’ve found that this regular online communication actually improves my public speaking skills when I’m in front of a live audience.
Goals for Public Speaking
In the new year, I want to become more active on LinkedIn through spontaneous, authentic posts rather than overly polished content. This increased visibility that’s a result of LinkedIn activity could ultimately lead to more public speaking opportunities.
I’d also like to expand beyond religious events and speak at more diverse venues—similar to my talk at Covenant University or other settings outside of churches.
This year brought new relationships—some spontaneously through online connections, others from church and various events.
The Young Talent Programme at Lagos Business School introduced me to some incredible friends, I didn’t expect to make any. I’m grateful that at least three people from that program consistently check in on me. Wow! People can be so wholesome.
Regarding romantic relationships, I often reflect on what a friend once told me—that they require the same dedication as a full-time job. This perspective has stayed with me. And if you’re wondering, I’m not scared, just concerned.
Goals for Relationships
I’m looking forward to meeting a lot more amazing human beings and being a better friend to the ones I’m already lucky to have in my corner.
I really don’t think I have the bandwidth for a romantic relationship in 2025. I’m saying this here so I can run back to this when my heart seems to move faster than my head.
Frankly, this topic is deeply personal, but I’ll share what I can.
This year, I cried profusely, once, for a stupid thing that was too little for God to do. And I’m so sorry that I ever thought the little things were too hard for him to do for me, or that I even let the devil make me think that I lost the right to come into His presence.
In 2024, I discovered that being a follower of Jesus Christ means being a soldier in the truest sense—rising each morning to fight against the tides that the devil brings, with the sword of the Spirit.
I was also very deliberate about memorizing scriptures and I hope to expand this practice further.
This year brought a profound realization: my salvation is the greatest achievement I could ever receive. Nothing could surpass it, making the pursuit of “the next big thing” unnecessary—I already possess what matters most.
Though I participated in evangelism and sowed seeds of salvation, I didn’t care enough for their full salvation story. It saddens me that I can’t point to a single soul I helped bring to salvation.
Goals for Faith
In the new year, I will consciously reduce church commitments to spend more dedicated time in my personal relationship with God. Lead at least one person to salvation whom I can personally disciple.
I can’t conclude without mentioning a significant event that didn’t fit into the sections above—I had chicken pox this year [sobs]. It was truly a life-changing experience, marking my first time receiving IV therapy.
This year also included more travel than usual, though primarily for work. Nairobi might be on the horizon for next year, but that depends entirely on how well I achieve the goals I’ve outlined above [God, pleaseee].
Looking back, 2024 was wonderful. Our experiences shape who we become, and I wouldn’t change a single moment of this journey.
Thank you for reading this far—I know it’s been quite a long piece. See you in 2025!